
ESAs launch joint consultation on second batch of policy mandates under the Digital Operational Resilience Act

The European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA – the ESAs) launched today a public consultation on the second batch of policy mandates under the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). Today’s package includes four draft regulatory technical standards (RTS), one set of draft implementing technical standards (ITS) and two sets of guidelines (GL). These policy...


Greater support for people’s financial decisions, under regulator and government proposals

More people could access advice or support to help make their money work harder under proposals set out today by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Government. The potential options aim to help more people benefit from investment opportunities, provide for later life, save for major expenses or tidy up their finances. The FCA...


Yr FCA sy’n gosod rheolau newydd i gynnal mynediad at arian parod mewn byd cynyddol ddigidol

Mae’r Awdurdod Ymddygiad Ariannol (FCA) wedi cynnig rheolau newydd i gynnal mynediad rhesymol i arian parod ar gyfer cwsmeriaid personol a busnes ledled y DU. Mae hyn yn dilyn pwerau newydd a roddwyd i’r FCA gan Ddeddf Gwasanaethau a Marchnadoedd Ariannol 2023. O dan gynigion yr FCA, bydd angen i fanciau a chymdeithasau adeiladu dynodedig...


ANZ to pay $900,000 penalty for continuous disclosure failure

The Federal Court has today ordered Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) to pay a penalty of $900,000 for breaching its continuous disclosure obligation during a $2.5 billion institutional share placement in 2015. The Court declared that ANZ contravened section 674(2) of the Corporations Act by failing to notify the Australian Securities Exchange...


FX Time /

Fraudsters are using the following details to scam people: Name: FX Time / (Clone of FCA Authorised Firm) Telephone: +442030977422, +43720117480 Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Website: Scammers may give out other false details, including email addresses, telephone numbers, postal addresses and Firm Reference Numbers. They may mix these details with the...


Fraudsters are using the following details to scam people: Name: (Clone of FCA Authorised Firm) Email: [email protected] Website: Scammers may give out other false details, including email addresses, telephone numbers, postal addresses and Firm Reference Numbers. They may mix these details with the genuine details of authorised firms. They may also change their...


Freewallet / Wallet Services Limited –

Name: Freewallet / Wallet Services Limited – Address: Suite A, 21/F, Eton building, 288 Des Voeux Central, Hong Kong Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Website: Some firms may give incorrect contact details including postal addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses. They may change these contact details over time. They may also give you...


ASIC disqualifies food services industry director for one and a half years

ASIC has disqualified former food services industry director Simon Cauchi of Albury, NSW, from managing corporations for one and a half years due to his involvement in the failure of four companies. Between September 2015 and October 2021, Mr Cauchi was the director of four companies: Fresh Food Wholesale Pty Ltd (ACN 633 256 112);...



Name: FUTUREFX TRADEZ / FUTUREFXTRADEZ.COM Email: [email protected], [email protected] Website: Some firms may give incorrect contact details including postal addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses. They may change these contact details over time. They may also give you details that belong to another business or individual, so the information looks genuine.



Name: SPENCER & MACLEAN LAW Address: 444 Flower Street, Los Angeles, CA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 90071 Telephone: +12135501625, +8668860078 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Website:, Some firms may give incorrect contact details including postal addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses. They may change these contact details over time. They may also give you details...