
Criminal market abuse regime review completion

The FCA welcomes the Government’s statement on the completion of the criminal market abuse regime review. The Government is considering how to take forward the recommendations to strengthen the regime as part of the Future Regulatory Review program. It is a priority for us to raise standards across the firms we regulate, as market abuse...


Update on FCA Authorisations operating service metrics

In October 2022 we published an update on our operating service metrics for authorizations timelines, which included a view of operating service metrics for the period April to September 2022. The latest metrics, now show April to September 2022 as 2 separate quarters (Q1 and Q2) and include a performance for October to December 2022...


Statement in response to an announcement by FINMA

Earlier today, the Swiss authorities announced a wide range of actions to support financial stability. The FCA has been in contact with its Swiss counterparts and other UK regulatory authorities in advance of today’s announcements. The FCA has indicated that it is minded to approve the actions announced today in relation to the entities which...


Statement on Silicon Valley Bank

Following events at Silicon Valley Bank, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has been working closely with the Bank of England, Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) and the UK Government. This morning, The Bank of England (Bank), in consultation with the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), HM Treasury (HMT) and the Financial Conduct...


Bank of England, FCA, PRA and PSR conduct 2022 review of Memorandum of Understanding for payment systems in the UK

The Bank of England (BoE), the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), and the Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) have a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that sets out the high-level framework the Authorities use to cooperate with one another, in relation to payment systems in the UK. The Financial Services (Banking Reform Act)...


CYSEC Board Decision

Announcement date: 06.03.2023 Board decision date: 05.12.2022 Regarding: Maxiflex Ltd Legislation: The Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law Subject: Withdrawal of CIF license Ruling: The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (‘CySEC’) announces that, on its meeting of 5th December 2022, decided to withdraw the Cyprus Investment Firm authorization of Maxiflex Ltd (‘the Company’),...


Update on Bank of England and Financial Conduct Authority Memorandum of Understanding on the supervision of market infrastructure and payment systems

Domestically, the Bank co-operates with both the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) about supervising market infrastructure and payment systems respectively. Published on 24 February 2023 The Bank co-operates closely with both the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) to supervise financial market infrastructure (FMI) and payment systems respectively...


Update on potential enforcement action against Link Fund Solutions

Following an announcement made on 20 February by Link Group to the Australian Securities Exchange, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is providing a short update on its proposed enforcement action against Link Fund Solutions Ltd (LFS). We are in advanced confidential discussions with Link Group and LFS to determine whether the FCA’s proposed enforcement action...


Cryptoasset firms marketing to UK consumers must get ready for financial promotions regime

All crypto asset firms marketing to UK consumers, including firms based overseas, will soon need to comply with the new UK financial promotions regime. Firms must start preparing now for this regime. We will take robust action against firms breaching these requirements. In January 2022, the Government published a consultation response setting out its intention...


Guidance for firms supporting their existing mortgage borrowers impacted by the rising cost of living

Guidance for firms Many mortgage borrowers face higher mortgage payments alongside other increases in the cost of living. Borrowers may approach lenders needing or wanting to reduce, or smooth increases in, their monthly payments. This guidance explains how firms can support their customers including through automated processes and digital channels. It sets out the flexibility...