
Gold Coast property developer charged with fraud

Mr Michael David Steele, of NSW, has appeared at Southport Magistrates Court charged with seven counts of fraud. Following an ASIC investigation, it is alleged that between May 2016 and February 2017, Mr Steele misled 14 investors into withdrawing funds from their employer superannuation funds and savings accounts to invest in a property development at...


ePayments Code subscribers to comply with updated Code from today

The updated ePayments Code takes effect from today. This follows a 12-month transition period to allow subscribers time to get ready for, and ensure compliance with, changes providing clarity on a number of existing protections for consumers (see 22-215MR). Subscribers to the code include most banks and credit unions in Australia, as well as a...


Former Berndale directors charged over dishonest conduct, misuse of company funds

Two former directors of collapsed retail over-the-counter derivatives provider Berndale Capital Securities Pty Ltd have been charged with dishonesty offences, including misusing over $1 million in company funds. ASIC alleges that Stavro D’Amore and Daniel Kirby each unlawfully transferred Berndale company funds to benefit themselves and other associates and entities. Mr D’Amore is alleged to...


ASIC issues first DDO stop order for failure to take reasonable steps in CFD distribution

ASIC has made an interim stop order preventing Mitrade Global Pty Ltd (Mitrade) from opening trading accounts or dealing in contracts for difference (CFDs) or margin foreign exchange contracts (margin FX) to retail investors. ASIC’s action was in response to concerns that Mitrade failed to take reasonable steps likely to result in distribution conduct being...


ASIC halts offer of Spaceship Super and Spaceship Voyager Funds

ASIC has made interim stop orders on one superannuation product and three managed funds promoted by Spaceship Capital Limited (Spaceship Capital) due to deficiencies in their target market determinations (TMDs). The funds are: Spaceship Super, a sub-plan of Tidswell Master Superannuation Plan, issued by Diversa Trustees Limited (Diversa), Spaceship Earth Portfolio (ARSN 643 773 282),...


Layaway penalised $375,000 for providing high-cost credit and unlicensed credit activity

The Federal Court has ordered Layaway Depot Pty Ltd (Layaway) pay a penalty of $375,000 for breaches of the Credit Act. Layaway charged excessive interest rates on 70 loans taken out by consumers to buy electronic goods including mobile phones, televisions and speakers. For example, customers paid instalments which totalled $780 for a Bluetooth speaker...


ASIC disqualifies Victorian director for three years

ASIC has disqualified Ross David Grant of Frankston Victoria, from managing corporations for three years due to his involvement in the failure of three companies. From April 2008, Mr Grant was the director of three companies that entered liquidation: M2O (Made Two Order) Pty Ltd (ACN 127 422 422) (M2O); M2O Interiors Pty Ltd (ACN...